Thursday, August 7, 2008

Really nice to get to live in America

Dear Family and Friends,

Today has been long, productive, effective, meaningful, safe and emotionally satisfying. It started at 6 am, out the door at 6:40, arrive in Petaluma at 8:35, register, part with $92.50 for fees, eat bagel, find place in room with 60 appraisers, listen and learn about the REO process, that is foreclosures. At 12:10 the meeting was over and I found a Burger King and a vegeburger. Then I set the GPS for Suisun City and 45 minutes later pulled up beside the home. This one was worn a bit but not too bad, unlock 4 front door locks, inspect, measure, photograph and then sit in the car and pick comps. Drive the comps and photograph each. Then it was time to set the GPS for a Richmond address. I arrived there early and enjoyed a very pleasant visit, loved the house which was so clean and updated, shot comps, set GPS for home and set out at 4 pm. I arrived home at 5:35 after working my way through accidents, firetrucks, traffic, you know the normal stuff.

As I walked in I could tell something good was happening. Marilyn had whipped together some great food and it was so fun to just sit with her and eat and enjoy the flavors of asparagus, green beans, mushrooms, vege chicken pieces, cottage cheese. A feast! Then Keanna and Kallie arrived and Nikki went to the parent teacher event at the school and we got the kids for awhile. I made pasta for Keanna along with green beans and some bottled water, Marilyn held Kallie, fed her, changed her and they exchanged smiles. When Nikki came back I went to the grief group, now I'm home to finally collapse and relax.

Tomorrow is the day to tidy up a bit so you will have a place to sit when you come to visit on Sunday, so the spa will be cleaner, the deck will be safer and the family photos will be removed from the dining room table, the fish tank will have less algae, the plants in the front yard are trimmed back, lawn mowed. Yep, I should have enough to keep me busy tomorrow, oh and write some appraisals too.

So good night from here, life in America is so special, a country that loves freedom and makes it work pretty well. I've been to lots of other countries and loved everyone of them but I've always been glad to come back to the good old USA. We all should be very grateful for the opportunity to live, work and prosper here.

love to all, Sunday's open house is going to be fun, bring your best conversation and lets talk and learn from each other.

ps fresh photos of our girls taken yesterday morning, so cute. Thanks Nikki for sharing them.


Anonymous said...

i think you add more info about it.

Anonymous said...

So that those who will accidentally visit your site will not waste there time with this stupid topics.

Anonymous said...

Yuts, daw palagpat imo blog.

Anonymous said...

The owner of this blog has a strong personality because it reflects to the blog that he/she made.

Deborah W said...

Uh oh, you've been targeted by spammer bloggers. You can turn on Word Verification, which should help. Here's how: go to Sign in to your account. For your blog click on Settings. Then at the top of the next page click on the link labelled Comments. Scroll down until you see "Show word verification for comments?" Click Yes. Then click the orange Save Settings button. Going forward people leaving a comment on your blog will have to copy a word that is displayed on the screen into a box before their comment is accepted. A small annoyance, perhaps, but will block most spammers who are a much bigger annoyance! Hope that helps! Deborah

Deborah W said...

The girls are adorable!!!!! thx for sharing their photos, proud Grandpa!