Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A whole lot of driving today

Dear Friends and Family,
We are back finally from a trip to Windsor that lasted much longer than we expected. I walked solo this morning and then worked in the office completing reports and taking care of business. At about 1:45 we Marilyn decided to join me for the trip to Windsor to conduct a driveby appraisal of a property that is about to be foreclosed. The traffic was very bad as we neared Santa Rosa and we finally came on the culprit, a brand new Toyota Prius stopped dead in the fast lane with a frantic man inside. We left him to enjoy the joys of high mileage and drove on only to discover that the GPS took us to the wrong town so after doing a bit of back tracking we finally arrived at the house, shot it and the comps and then headed home again. While we expected bad traffic near Santa Rosa non materialized and our trip home was uneventful. I managed to forget to pick up my meds at Longs in Brentwood so tonight and tomorrow morning I am out of fish oil.
Tomorrow I drive to Eldorado Hills for a 2 pm appointment and then back to Stockton for a 4:30 appointment. I am thankful for the work and for the checks that arrived in today's mail. They will go a ways toward the house payment.
Home, a place like none other, how good it was to turn the corner and see home in the distance, yes the lawn needs mowing and the trim desperately need paint but its home and two very anxious little dogs were at the door to greet us.
Marilyn and I have talked a lot about our lives today, she and Walter and me and Nan. Both of us have experienced lots of ups and downs, of hard times, of terrible mistakes made but we have also the salve of knowing we had something rare, the love of precious people, Walt and Nan.

Just living is a huge challenge, and living well is an even larger adventure. Are you enjoying your lives? Ever wonder what comes next? I sure do.

Sending huge arm fulls of love to each and every one of you.




Deborah W said...

Hi Tim, I will leave a comment before I go to bed. Yes, I certainly do wonder what's next! My husband and I both left high-paying corporate jobs, almost a year ago now, even though we are not yet at an age to retire. We are now job-shopping (in his case) and trying to grow a small business (in mine). We manage to make enough to live on and to enjoy more time at home, with family, and taking trips. This fall we will go on the Baja Ha-Ha (again!) which is a group of sailboats that cruise down to Mexico and back. For more info, and to follow us on our trip, keep an eye on my blog: www.debztalkin.blogspot.com. Last year's trip is there, too, but you have to scroll back a ways to find it! Your postings each day remind me that Life is short, and it should be lived fully, so I'm happy we are trying to do that, even though material things are in ever-increasing short supply! Oh, but who needs those, eh? Have a wonderful week.....Deborah

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,& Marilyn,

Has this weather been something else! how beautiful it has been.

My friend Ed from the Center & I made our final trip to Jackson Yesdterday morning to take advantage of the "Free Gas" & "Bonus Play Money" that has been avaliable up there for the past 4 weeks. I have gained a few $$'s over the last 4 trips and all on "Their Nickel" and Our tanks are full of "Indian" Gas.

Carrol & I Celebrate Our 52nd Wedding Annaversary the 26th next Tuesday, We have many fond memories to share over the Years. Dinner with Friends will be on the docket for Tuesday Evening.

Any chance that You & Marilyn could join Us for Dinner ? We will be leaving Lodi for "The Lone Wolf" in Jackson at 3:00/3:30, takes about 45 minutes to get there and We plan to take advantage of the $8.88 Prime Rib Special that is being offered for the whole month of August "8-8-88".
Just call or write if You can join Us. We have reservations for 5:30.

Love & Prayers ,

Bob & Carrol.