Friday, February 20, 2009

Oh blessed Sabbath!

Dear Family and Friends,
Finally this long week has come to a close. It has been a great week with lots of production, checks coming in, health returning and today the sunshine was brilliant.

I've included a photo taken this afternoon from the back of a house I was inspecting. One finds little spots of beauty in surprising places. I am also continually reminded of how decent most americans are. I inspected a home in Bethel Island this morning and enjoyed meeting the owners very much. The home was little, updated in every room and has a quiet setting overlooking the water. The purpose of this inspection was to help the owner get his property taxes reduced as values have plunged in that area. When I left I found it was lunch time so I ventured into LaVilla, a family owned place that serves great food for very little moola. Nice lunch served within 5 minutes and the total came to $6.00. I can handle that.

Then it was a quick stop at PetCo for a bag of dog food for my little darlings. Then right home and to work on the oldest appraisal, a 3 unit located in a tough area to work. I had been putting it off with excuses. Today was the day to bit the bullet and get it done. It is done, yea!

I feel so much better than I did at the start of the week. However I spent the entire morning with lungs, chest hurting and then gradually the pain disappeared, I took the blood sugar and it was 148 so I was not having a low sugar experience. Lois came with a tempting offer this afternoon, to go shopping but I had to say no as I really needed to keep myself focused and in this chair. Finally now I can escape, watch the christian dish programs, find something to eat and relax.

How is your weekend looking? Do you have times to be with loved ones, some time in nature, time to listen to music or read a book? How bout calling someone you love and have been meaning to call? I think we are programed to settle into ruts and we have to make decisions about getting out of them and back into adventure again. I've spent a lot of time reflecting on my life with Nan this week, not intentionally but it has happened. I'm very comfortable with the memories of this great lady, of course I wish she were here and I deeply resent the fact that she is not. Sorry but I'm not at peace with the reasons why but it does not stop me from living well.

So I wish each of you a peaceful weekend filled with love.


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