Friday, February 6, 2009

Safely through another week

Whew, this one is in the history books. During this week I've had a relapse of the chest problems and severe coughing with related chest pains and some fever. I skated on the sharp edge of financial challenges but on that score was able to make two deposits today which will cover health care, various insurance premiums, data charges, phone etc. So on that score I am very grateful to be once again in the black. Of course to get there I relentlessly pursued money people were ready to part with, Newark, Concord were the stops in the driving rain but it was worth it.
Orders have continued to come in, not at the rate of the old days but still in this time any order is a blessing. Right now I have local properties to see and ones in Oakhurst and Sonora which will require a bit of driving to accomplish.
Its been a challenge this week to cope with some depression. Friends have pointed out that illness can drag one down emotionally and I really can't remember a time when I was free of the hacking cough and its related side effects. I don't cope well with not being able to pay people on time for services and regular payments. When I stand back and look at the big picture I can see how far the Lord has brought me financially from a year ago, yet there is some distance to go yet to really be in full control.
After living the majority of your life with someone to talk to, plan with, listen to, enjoy everything together with and then overnight you are alone. Well there are changes that have to accounted for. For those of you that thought I would never make it without Nan, well there are many times when I think you are right but here I am over a year later, still kicking, making bread, making a living, pets are still cared for, grandchildren are adored and cared for at every opportunity. It seems like I now live my life sort of kicking and screaming about how much I really don't want to be alone yet I'm doing pretty much OK with it. I've got to say that the huge investment of time and organizing skills by Sylvia has helped more than one could ever know. I get to function in an organized world where everything is in its place and makes great sense. That is a huge boost.
So now I just want to urge you to relax in the love of the one you are with and have a blessed weekend.



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