Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Some rain must fall.......

Interesting day in my life, Ken called at 6:20 to say forget walking, pouring rain so I turned over and went back to sleep. Starr agreed completely. Since I could not eat this morning I set to work for awhile and drank large glasses of water. Then at 9:15 I left to make the largest deposit in over a year. Because of that deposit I was able to pay the house payment on time this month, what a total blessing and relief. The beautiful teller at the bank smiled as she thumbed through the deposit as she knows what a struggle that past year has been and she was happy for me. Then it was back into the rain and on to Tracy. I had a doctors visit with Dr. Makker but actually only saw an assistant. She measures several vitals using a little device that hooks to my right foot and my right arm. It measures fat to body mass rations, amount of water in the cells and on the outside of the cells and several other factors. The results were not good and I didn't expect them to be as I've been totally bad dieting wise. A feeble excuse is that I've felt so crummy that when I do eat I don't do it very carefully at all. Instead of chewing me out she explained that I'm in the phase of consideration. She said many people go through this where they are so afraid to make the big leap into a new way of life that they linger. She gently encouraged me to take little steps and she is right, I hate change and especially if it is going to take away something I'm used to. Yet as I look back at the journey so far since starting the "First Line Therapy" program I've started drinking much more water, using the protein bars for snacks so I'm rarely experiencing low blood sugars any more. I do not read labels and if its full of fat I leave it at Safeway, I don't need it in the house.
My next venture cooking wise is going to be starting to make my own soups and begin to use the wonderful stir fry system Lois and Ray gave me for Christmas. I'm ready to make the plunge. Now I need to see if I can locate a slow cooker, I know I have a couple, now to find them with Sylvia in Surinam.
After the doctor visit I drove directly to Taco Bell for a burrito as I'd had nothing to eat since last night. Then I headed to Discovery Bay to do two appraisals. I dreaded the rain which was falling in buckets all the way home. Yet I was fortunate in that the rain lessened while I was doing the inspections and then began again as I drove about taking comp photos. What is sad is the price these homes are selling for. 2,900 SF for $259,000. Yes the house needed paint and carpet but it had a great floor plan, quiet location in a gated community and lovely features. There are so many deals to be had the prices keep going lower. One wonders where it stops as there are still plenty of bank owned properties for sale. I doubt the horrible package signed by the president today will do anything to help but will be something we will have to live with far after the economy recovers as it will on its own. Pouring huge amounts of money has never solved a recession once in the history of the world yet here we are doing it again, what a mistake.
I just have to remind myself that God is in control of the big picture, that He loves every human being and that He longs to come and take us all home with Him. We cannot lose sleep over what we cannot solve but we had better each one of us do everything we can to solve our own problems, not waiting for handouts from the government. We can do this.
I'm loving the sounds of the rain as it splashes to the concrete beside the house. When we used to park our motorhome beside the house we found that it was a tight fit so we cut off a bit of the roof overhang at the back corner of the garage so water splashes down right there in a special way.
This evening my coughing has turned nasty again, feels like a setback. I feel like my grief group has turned on me. I was told quite clearly not to show up as my coughing might injure someone else. I was told by my doctors that since I was on antibiotics I would not be infectious, anyway it is a good time to move on from the group.
My brother Jerry just called from Weed and reports that the snow in his lawn is about gone, since he lives in the shadow of Mt Shasta sort of he gets lots of snow and they are all used to it. Even his growing season for his huge garden is shorter than mine here due to the altitude.
Well once again it is time for me to crash, thanks for listening.

Take care and live carefully yet with courage and zest.



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