Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Working hard, feels very good

Dear Family and Friends,
Less coughing, more living, yes!
6:35 walk with athletic director Ken
7:30 become fry cook, make eggs and toast, stripples and an orange
8:30 at work, begin to write appraisals
2:30 leave for Orangevale having written two appraisals
4:05 arrive in Orangevale, do inspection, shoot comps, watch sun set whew!
5:30 arrive at Old Spaghetti Factory in Roseville, enjoy managers favorite
7:35 arrive home, have pie with Lois and Ray, meet all their creatures
8:00 back home, check emails, feed fish, take meds
9:00 begin process of going to bed, very tired, very satisfied

I had an interesting moment this morning, one that was a total surprise, shock really. As I work I often have a classical station playing through the Bose speakers connected to my computer. During a break between numbers the announcer was speaking of Boston and suddenly I was in Boston, in the Intensive Care Unit and Keanna was singing her little songs in an attempt to wake her grammy and just like the actual day when she did it I found myself with tears flowing down my cheeks and then after speaking to Nikki for a minute on the phone I was fine, storm over and I went back to work. Totally blind sided by precious memories and special time with Nan!

I'm finally busy with work these days, not over busy but enough to use up all my available time. This is the way out of the financial jungle, production and I'm so pleased that work is coming in. This morning I took the time to fax in a number of pages to a company that is offering local work. The only problem is this, while they charge $400 for an appraisal they only pay the actual appraiser about $200. They keep the rest. Yes I know it seems like there should be a law against such practices but appraisers are about to have to deal with these management thieves a lot more in the near future. Its one of the reasons I'm considering other lines of income. One needs to be prepared for whatever happens.

I also signed up for a month of the SDA sight where you meet people. So far a couple of the ladies are really interesting, age appropriate but unfortunately live on the other side of the country.

Thank you for being a part of my extended family and I love hearing from you when you get a chance.



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