Friday, March 27, 2009


Dear Family and Friends,
Finally after a big week with lots of challenges, giant stresses, blessed moments and hundreds of miles driven the dogs and I are relaxing in the motorhome which is parked adjacent to Jason and Jo's home. I can hear the waves breaking on the beach if I strain and the air is crisp, salty and welcome.
I know you have faced challenges this week as well and I try not to forget that while I'm most aware of my own life the lives of those around me are also being lived at a fast pace and with stress and pressures.
For example this morning after caring for the girls, seeing a local property and then driving to Auburn the story of the homeowner was shared. In a short amount of time this dear lady has lost a husband, then her son in a dead on crash, then her daughter's oldest child died and her mother as well. She was right to explain that she felt like her life was under siege. Tragedy after tragedy, she wondered when it would stop. But who can say.
After enjoying time in the country side surrounding Auburn I headed back home where I found that Pam had finally really woken up and was moving past her jet lag into normalcy again.
I quickly loaded the motorhome but then became bogged down in the office attempting to cope with a mounting pile of conditions, unfinished reports and urgent requests. There are times this week that I felt I simply could not handle one more addition but they kept coming. I'm not sure why I bothered to get Direct TV. Getting it implied I might find time to sit for a few minutes and enjoy a program but that has not been the case. I catch the weather channel while I'm showering and dressing or going to bed. I catch some news when I sit at the table and eat and then I'm back to the office to work. And the hardest thing about work right now is that the majority of it is reverse mortgage work and by the time they fund usually a month to two months has passed so the work I'm laboring with now will not return funds for a very long time. Will I need the money then? Absolutely but I could also use some now. One bill that is hard to handle is the $571 charged by the hospital for a nose swab to check for whooping cough. Instead of a simple lab 1 minute process they ran me through ER and since my insurance has a $1,000 deductible I'm paying the entire amount. Yikes, this is no fun.
I'm thankful to be taking a breather from work but I regret not being able to take Keanna to Sabbath School in the morning. I hope that Nikki and the girls can come visit tomorrow here at Jason and Jo's. I know Keanna is looking forward to seeing Timothy again and he has grown so much. This evening they gave me a new photo of him taken recently and he is such a cute little man now.
Well I feel like its time for bed, Starr is snoring loudly as she rests in the drivers seat of the motorhome. This afternoon she did a very silly thing. She happened to be loose and in the driveby, something I never allow and she ran into Jazz, Lois and Rays beautiful lab. Starr waded into her snarling and biting and I had to grab her and pitch her into the motorhome before Jazz decided to fight back. I could not believe Starr was that lame, didn't she see that the dog she was attacking was 10 times as big as her? That goodness Jazz is calm. It really scared me and reminded me why I never let Starr run freely, she just has no sense when she is free. My heart was really beating hard after the event as I love Starr and want nothing bad to happen to her.
May you each have a peaceful weekend and enjoy time with your Creator in your own way. You are known, loved and cherished which makes you a pretty special person.



1 comment:

Bob and Carrol. said...

Good Morning Tim,

We got back from Reno about 1:30 PM Yesterday. Had a good safe trip both ways and enjoyed many hours of good visiting time & games with Our Friends the Andersons.

The "Grand Serria" Hotel is a great place to stay, Very Quiet and nice large rooms with good food places on location.

Choir Practice went pretty well last evening, We are getting ready to sing on the 25th and doing some work on a number for the Alumni Sabbath Service on the 11th.

Carrol has Her regular Clinic Day on Monday, We are hopeing for decent numbers again so She can remain off of Chemo.

Have a good weekend with Your Dear Family.

Love You,

Bob & Carrol.