Thursday, March 12, 2009


Dear Family and Friends,
This has been another very busy day. We walked, I worked and then met Nikki and Keanna for lunch, then did appraisals in Castro Valley, Oakland hills, Berkeley, more Oakland hills, then two more in western Oakland close to the bay. Finally I headed home and by then the traffic had cleared. Upon arriving home I checked the mailbox but was disappointed to find no checks. I did find left overs and had a nice dinner. Now its time to head to bed.
Due to FHA raising the amount of money they will loan the reverse mortgage business is booming for right now, hence I've been very very busy seeing properties. These will pay in a month or two so its like putting money in the bank for the future.
Tomorrow night Keanna comes for a sleep over and I do look forward to the sabbath hours. Our pastor in Tracy is having a birthday and potluck will be in her honor. I've not had a chance to hear her preach yet but I'm looking forward to it, reports say she has a lot of good to say.

So for now, love to all


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