Saturday, March 28, 2009

Outstanding day

Dear Family and Friends,
Well this is the end of a very good day. After a week from the hot place a day by the beach really makes great sense out of life.
I woke at 7:30 this morning after a restful night by the ocean. Sabbath School was great as usual as very talented people plan and lead out with a very full and exciting program. Timothy loves it and so do the other little kidos.
Then it was back to the house for a wonderful lunch with Raymond and his wife and little son who is 9 months old. Every dish of food was outstanding and my two tomatoes were put to great use. Nikki and the girls arrived early afternoon after battling 300 motorcycles over Highway 17, Keanna told me there were 139 bikes, not sure how she arrived at that number. After a little while of kidos meeting kidos and playing we ventured down to the beach where the weather was perfect. The surf was gentle, the sand warm and Keanna and Timothy had a great time finding shells, digging with their play shovels, running and falling in the sand. Kallie enjoyed herself too and took a header and came up with sand totally covering her face, nose, mouth but in a little while Nikki had her as good as new and she smiled and continued to play. After a long time of fun in the sun we all headed back up the long walk to the house. The dogs were so tired when we got back as they should be having just pulled me up the hill. Starr drank and drank, I should have brought the water bottle designed for dogs that Lois and Ray gave me for her. The pizza was ordered and we enjoyed yet another good meal. Finally everyone had to head home except for me since my home away from home sits next to the house. Now I'm in the motorhome with the furnace on as the temp is about 50 degrees. I'm hooked up to the house with water, electrical power and even cable TV so I really have the comforts of home compliments of Jason and Jo.
I must say that Jason and Jo do a great job of hosting guests and family. Everyone of us here today have enjoyed a very full and friendly day. They know just how to meet everyones needs and for me to have my family under one roof was bliss. I love the times this can happen, I just wish Steve could have been with us but he was helping his brother who lives in Felton. The kids are at an age where they can enjoy each other and Keanna is such a helpful big sister. She played very nicely with Timothy and he is such a good kid, no problems, just fun and laughter. Kallie takes it all in and smiles and jabbers happily. Just keep her fed, warm, dry and she is a happy girl.
Well now its time for me to be in bed. There are some things I need to change and getting rest is one of them. Since Nan has been gone my self discipline has wavered a lot. She was so good about simply saying, bout time for bed or I'm going up, are you coming but with her gone and no voice to invite or remind I just hang out and waste rest time. Time to get a big grip.
I wish you all could have been here today, it was so perfect, we all need days like this from time to time when all the cares of this life and there are plenty of them, can be laid aside and we can relax in our love for each other and spend moments of pure joy.
Good night my family and friends,

love to all


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