Monday, March 16, 2009

So tired

Finally this day comes to an end. The world I live and work in is so complicated right now that its almost impossible to claim victory or even defeat. There are so many lose ends, unfinished reports, conditions that must be fixed, properties to see and all are important to the people involved.
Its a different problem compared to a few months ago. Even more frustrating is that for this much energy being generated and hours worked there should be an increase in income, but that is not the case. For the 5th day in a row Honda called in spite of a payment that was made last Thursday, there seems to be a mentality that if they call every day you can't run away. What I will do is memorize their number and just fail to answer it, always the same questions, do you still live in the same place, have the same phone numbers etc. Today I said to the nice person, yes all the answers are the same as yesterday and no I won't give you a date when i can make the next payment because I can't know a date since my income is on a daily, weekly basis and might happen or might not happen.
After sorting things piled high on my desk I went to work today and have generated about 5 reports. What a good feeling that is, until one remembers there are others to get written and new orders to see.
Meanwhile I've started coughing pretty bad again, in spite of the Bioxin which I take faithfully morning and night I'm gradually getting worse again with chest wrenching coughing many times an hour. Thats the pits as I really need to feel well to tackle the load I'm facing right now.
But mixed in with working hour after hour I also made bread today and it turned out really large and tasty. I love the smell of break baking in the house, nothing else quite like it, well some gentle perfume would be nice I guess suggesting a female might be near but I'll just hang with the bread for now. Who has time to do anything else?
Barb and Gerry are coming to visit April 4 and stay for a couple days. Now that is great news and something to look forward to and I think I get Keanna tomorrow for the day so that is also something to look forward to. She always brightens up the day.
Right now I'm heading to bed, head hurts from coughing, chest is sore and I'm very tired. Rest is so welcome these days.
Please pray that I can get it together, hold it together and be a success.

love to all

Happy Birthday Nikki, you've been a real joy to watch in action over the years. What a success story and what a caring daughter.


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