Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Life is good

Dear Family and Friends,
The music of the rain, nice to be heard, less nice to be standing in, even less nice to be working in but all is OK.
I'm just back from having some desert with Lois and Ray and watching NCIS. Its a fun show to watch and Nan always loved to see Mark Harmon in anything so i got hooked too. Lois had created this banana bread and it was great. Earlier today Lois and Ray made a house visit to give Lady a bath, cut her nails and clean the dog door. What a difference on all three counts. Lady has self respect again. She was pretty dirty and after watching Lois bath her I've decided the groomer is a great idea or beg Lois to do it once in awhile. They were a great team, one holding her while the other cut her nails. Lady was not too pleased at all the attention but didn't bite or snap. Just went and hid every change she got. Lady is a Scottish Terrier and a great dog, given to me on my 50Th birthday. Starr was not pleased that she was not the center of all attention.
I worked in, labored with conditions, wrote appraisals, ordered cards for the new business and in general had a low energy day. The girls were a blast this morning, Keanna is so into the consequences program that at 7:14 she was already down and dressed this morning, 30 minutes early. Once again she got all 4 checks and we were on time, happy and contented.

All day as I worked I could hear the gentle rain falling outside and binging on the AC unit outside. It was a pleasant sound.
Now its time to head to bed and my brother reports from Weed that it is snowing heavily this evening. I'm talking to him as I write and he just took his little dog out and the snow was heavy, falling fast and getting deeper. Sounds pretty!
Well goodnight my friends and family,



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