Friday, March 6, 2009

Whew, its finally over.......

Some weeks go better than others, I think we can all agree on that and for me this has been a week that is less than stellar. Most disappointing for me is the return of the serious coughing, accompanying head aches and a feeling of malaise. Oh don't get me wrong, there have been wonderful high points, getting to greet the little girls each morning as they start their day is the best and returning to the car after measuring a house in the driving rain, that felt pretty good. Or soup at UNO's the other day, hot, steamy and delicious. Hearing from friends is always a treat and even when they face serious challenges it is a great honor to get to talk with them, share with them and gain strength from the conversations.
Even though I don't often mention it it seems I am destined to live about one check from disaster at all times. While there is more work than last fall there is only so much time to do the work and I'm up to the challenge when I feel well but as the week progressed and the illness returned it became harder and harder to concentrate and produce.
This morning after the girls were safely delivered I did a local inspection. It was a wonderful 10 acre property with massive improvements and now the owners question what to do next financially. I enjoyed seeing the property and wrapped tightly in my ski parka I stayed comfortably warm as I worked. Then I returned home to deposit the check, do research for a Stockton inspection of an ongoing foreclosure and gather the pieces of the Comcast DVR and remote. I returned them to the office and cancelled the TV cable only to learn that since I no longer had TV cable the price of the Internet would rise from $45 to over $60. Yikes. So I'll be looking for a less expensive Internet provider soon. The Direct TV works great in all four rooms and is easy to operate. But of course who has the time to watch the 100s of channels. I did enjoy watching the Fox Business Network over lunch.
The trip to Stockton was a shocker once again. The subject property was a very appealing home in an upscale neighborhood with a large lot, over 1/2 an acres, quiet setting and what appeared to be good condition. The shock came when I started to drive the comps with large parcels, instead of the $500 or $600,000 values I expected I found values just over $200,000. When will it stop? When properties get to zero? Like Citi bank stock today trading at less than $1.00 on the market. We are certainly in strange times, a period in history no one could have guessed or imagined. Yet this is America and if allowed to improvise the citizens will find a way to succeed and improvise and prosper, providing the government is not in the way. There is intense anger with homeowners who have paid the monthly payments faithfully over the years only to find their neighbors being bailed out from not making their payments.

So once again I remember what Sharon, Nan's sister in law, who lives in Texas will say, its in the Lord's hands, don't lose sleep or get angry, let God handle it and she is so right. God is not surprised by current events, He loves each of us and wants only our eternal good. Oh that we could just remember that as the days go by.

So this evening in spite of constant coughing as I write and a head that is throbbing I am very thankful. I will sleep warm, have food to eat, can take Keanna to SS in the morning, can worship freely, can fellowship with friends. My prayer is that you can have a blessed two days away from work and struggle, that you can rebuilt your relationships and have time for God to speak to your heart, listen as He whispers sweet peaceful, hopeful thoughts into your heart.

love to all


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi tim,

I hope you have had a restful day with your "kiddos". I'm so sorry your cough has returned. Roger has been coughing all week and now he so generously shared with me.

This week went from 6" of snow and temperatures in the teens to 78 and sunny today. The Bradford Pear trees are beginning to bloom and the daffodils are in full bloom in spite of the frigid temperatures. Ah ~ spring is coming! It's been a very cold winter and our first real snow was last Sunday.

I'd better get off to bed! Morning comes an hour earlier tomorrow.

We love you ~ Carol