Friday, March 13, 2009

Wow, what a week!

Good evening dear ones,
Keanna is winding down in her room after an evening of playing her video game and having a late dinner. Nikki was so tired when she dropped her off I worried that she would fall asleep driving home. She has had a huge day at the Twin's Yard Sale, a huge process where thousands of items are tagged and sold at the county fairgrounds. It has become a very big project of the twin club mothers in Pleasanton and area. Nikki helps out and gets a high percentage on all the things she sells there. She makes in the hundreds of dollars and is able to purchase future clothes for Kallie at a huge discount as well as toys and other baby items.
I'll take Keanna to Sabbath School in the morning and we'll see if I can sell her on church as well. Our new pastor has a birthday and potluck is in her honor tomorrow which would be nice to attend. I'll have Keanna for the day and might make it over to let her see the huge sale which is taking place. She is very interested in what her mother is doing. I also have a very tempting offer from Bob and Carrol for Olive Garden which is just opening in Stockton, yea! One more option.
I'm really looking forward to sleeping the night away as I'm tired after this grueling week. I saw more properties today and finished up the ones I ran out of sunlight for last evening. Traffic was a bit much coming home from Oakland this evening.
I found out today that when Lois took a tumble beside her car at McDonalds she ended up breaking a bone in her knee. She went to minor injuries at Kaiser today and discovered the break. She has a cane and wrapping to use around the knee both of which she was without this evening as she and Ray came to watch me use the edger on some weeds.
My little girl turns a year older on the 16th which is hard to believe. I can remember the day she was born very well. How exciting that was and how very relieved Nan was to be done with the pain and have the precious little one in her arms. I remember driving to the hospital on a Friday night in the 240z which we owned at the time and she was already in labor and letting me know it. Nan did not care much for pain and how very ironic that in her final years she would experience so much terrible pain and learned to cope so very well.
Irene had a sad message to report today. She was denied entrance into the IPI504 due to an elevated test result from her liver I think it was. It is possible that the number will drop and that she will yet be admitted but I know she was disappointed as was everyone in the program up in Portland. Her faith and daily actions are so strong yet she needs our prayers as well seeing God's hand in and over her.
The weather was beautiful today, bright, sunny and not even cool in the shade. A delightful day for sure. I feel very fortunate to have work and yes there was a check in the mail when I got home.
So I bid each of you a relaxed and meaningful weekend. God bless!



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