Saturday, January 2, 2010

The incredible power of kidos!!

Dear Family and Friends,
As I sit here this evening in the motorhome at MBA I am at peace. What a wonderful day it has been in spite of some disturbing chest pains. You see I've had that great medicine called kido power.

Ken and I walked this morning which proved to be quite a challenge after so many days of not walking. When I got home Nikki called to say that Keanna was still sleeping but Kallie was up and dressed and would love to go to Sabbath School. We I quickly rose to that wonderful opportunity and by the time I got there to pick her up Keanna was up and dressed as well.

So both girls went to Sabbath School and I spent my time with Kallie. She loved the activities, all the songs and actions and had a great time. Keanna loved being with Sylvia and had a great experience with Sabbath School as well. She was very sorry that she forgot to take her paper with her at the end of Sabbath School.

We met Nikki for lunch at the Olive Garden and just sitting and eating with the girls is always a trip. They are so bright, so aware and can get into trouble so fast. We had a blast and I got to catch up with Nikki a bit too.

Then the girls went with their mother and I headed home. Upon arrival I started the process for coming to MBA. I had presents to wrap, minimal packing to do and shortly after 2 pm we drove out. It seemed to take forever to get here but finally we arrived and parked. Jason helped carry the presents in and Timothy had a blast tearing paper and being wowed by the gifts. Nikki and Steve had given him an airport set with cars, track, bridges and he just loves it. He played and played until it was finally time for him to got to bed. Jason and I sang songs with him in the darkness of his room and finally he fell asleep.

With Timothy in bed we were able to watch Angels and Demons, the new movie Nikki had given me for Christmas. What great entertainment, its just over now and we are settling in for the night. When I say we I mean Starr, Lady and me. How they love to travel and now that I don't drive so fast in the motorhome it is less bumpy and they enjoy it even more. I ran the heat fairly high and they found the main outlet and just soaked in the heat. Now they are signalling that their bowl is empty and they would like some more. It is a lovely moon lite night here at MBA and in the distance one can hear the breakers on the shore.

I've had a troubled week with pain, fatigue, shortness of breath and at times really did not feel well at all. I've had very little internal drive and have spend a lot of time sleeping when I should have been working. When I was packing the motorhome I lifted a box with a few food items and felt a searing pain in the left side of my chest. I think it is something left over from our wood splitting yesterday, anyway It was pretty intense for the rest of the afternoon and I can still feel it now although it is much better now. All and all it was not fun to experience, you always wonder if something bad is happening.

At this point I'm going to bed, I feel better than earlier in the day. I've had the high honor of seeing my kids and my precious kidos. For those of you who have little ones you know and for those of you who don't you will someday. It is great stuff.

So I send my love to all, its nice to be on the road again.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have you seen a cardiologist? Having been around Rick who has heart issues, your description of your feelings makes me very nervous. His diagnosis did not come easily but only after all tests up to and including an angiogram, when they discovered a 99% blockage in the LAD lovingly referred to as the "widow maker". If you lived in my house, you would have a fairly immediate appointment. Better safe then sorry!! I like you!! :)

Judy (Cate)