Friday, January 15, 2010

What a week!

Whew, the week has finally wound down to the softer hours of the Sabbath.

Today was another busy day, filled with productive motions. A 9 am meeting this morning in Livermore that could yield future orders, then back to put some final touches on a local appraisal, then off to Oakland to see two properties and finally the golden moment when I can ask the GPS to guide me home, how I enjoy that moment.

Tomorrow the kidos are busy with appointments so I'll venture to Sabbath School and church by myself, I'll miss them but I'm just delighted Nikki and Steve let me take them most of the time. It is always the high point of the week for me.

I think I'll get to see my friends Art and Connie tomorrow for lunch which will be very special. I'm ready to experience some of that good rest that the Sabbath promises to deliver. Its been a very big week with huge steps forward. Of course the largest is what Sylvia did for the files. It is truly remarkable and a very big help. Gradually I find myself slowly crawling upward, the pace is maddeningly slow but I still see signs of progress. More bills are paid than not, more checks are coming in than a few months ago and due to going to the club I no longer feel unstable on my feet.

For life I'm thankful! For friends I'm grateful! For family I'm indebted forever.



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