Friday, January 29, 2010

Keanna sleeps

Dear Family and Friends,
Finally it is Friday evening, the fire has turned to embers, Keanna has finally given up and is sleeping (I hope). We had a nice evening and ended it with reading some stories from her Sabbath School paper and a story about the little mermaid, nice mix.
My day started early and without much time wasted I was in Stockton inspecting a house through the fog. Then I drove right back to write the report and get it emailed out. Then I moved onto the next appraisal due today for a property located in Fairfield. By the time that one was sent the day was about over. The mail has been very disappointing this week and I started the day with 41 cents in the business account. Two major clients who have always been prompt with payments are both a month behind and it is causing major distress. Without their funds there will be no house payment and it is weighing on my mind a bit. I know the Lord is fully aware of my needs and it is always interesting to see his working.

The week has been one of crushing disappointments as well as some successes. To lose Irene was just unthinkable and it is oh so hard to accept. Someone had better have some real good reasons but we'll have to wait for eternity for those answers. Right now we can just remember Ron and Eric as they walk as if in a trance through funeral arrangements and all the vital steps that must be taken. Their grief is all consuming at this point and they just need our positive thoughts and expressions of caring and love. They have asked if friends could send photos to them and I'll go through what photos I have in my GIST file in the computer after I complete the blog.

Life has so few bright spots any more and so many dull or even awful ones. Nan and I used to look forward to cruises or even flights to see friends or family, quick trips down to see Jason or chances to have dinner with Nikki and Steve. Now there is no Nan, no cruises, no flights and I'm so thankful for trips to see Jo and Jason and little guy Timothy and to get a chance to have Keanna her or even just to see Nikki, Kallie and Steve tonight for a minute. Otherwise it would be really totally bleak.

I love my work and I love the fact that I am doing better and better work creating appraisals but its a real fight for each order and they are coming through less and less this week. I am relieved it is Sabbath so for a few hours some of this can be put on the back burner and I can seek peace in Worship and with friends.

I am very relieved that Lois was able to come home today and in general is feeling better. We are very fortunate that so far tests have not revealed heart problems after all but oh the good care she received at Kaiser, she even liked the food in the hospital! Ray is tending to her this evening and doing a great job. Their loving relationship is really special and has endured the tests of time.

So I bid each of you a pleasant good night.



1 comment:

Deborah W said...

I was so sorry to read of Irene's passing. I don't even know her except through your blog, but because you thought so much of her I know she was a very special lady. She, her family, and you continue to be in my thoughts.
