Monday, January 11, 2010


Dear Family and Friends,
Tonight I'm tired so this will be very short. When I walk in the morning and then work out that evening I get pretty tired. I've just come from grocery shopping which I find very tedious and time consuming as well. Ran into a good friend from the grief group at Safeway and that was pleasant as she is a very nice lady!
I've tried to keep warm today and just kept cranking out reports. With son Steve's help several have gone out today.

Tomorrow Pam returns from Wales and I pick her and cousin Terry up at the airport around 2:30 providing no bomber tries to destroy the plane. They are flying out of Heathrow so they will be tired when they arrive. In the morning I'll walk with Ken and then hit the road for Stockton to see a house that needs the appraisal to be completed by night time. We'll see how that goes.

It will be nice when the weather changes. Being no more than 44 all day today is very un California and downright miserable. I measured a house this afternoon in the cold and I was very very glad to grap a hot chocolate when I got home. I know we are really having it mild compared to the terrible weather elsewhere. Roger and Carol are fighting broken pipes but leave on a cruise tomorrow, they deserve it.

So thats it for tonight, lets all get some rest including Art who has been battling illness. He says Connie is marvelous in her care of him. That is great!



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