Saturday, January 9, 2010

Little girls go to church

This morning I picked up my two little cuties and we drove to church. Keanna had brought her new Bible and read stories while we drove. She said, Pappa did you know Adam had two sons? Then she read about the flood and Noah. It was like beautiful music to hear her reading the bible stories. Afterwards as she was talking about the bible stories she mentioned Sylvia and her sharing Bible stories and she knew they were true because Sylvia said so. That is powerful and very special.
While Keanna went to her Kingdom Kids Kallie and I went to the room for the little ones. Today Kim was teaching and did a superb job of making Noah and the Ark come to life. Kallie enjoyed all the many activities and was happy, even joyful the entire time right up to and including the snacks at the end.
I am so thankful to Steve and Nikki for allowing me to take the girls to Sabbath School. Jesus loves their precious little family very much and has blessed them with many many talents and abilities. What a blast it is to get to have them on my own turf, its at least one thing I know I can do well, being a Pappa.
This afternoon Ray and Lois came over and brought a really cute movie about polar bear cubs. It was really enjoyable and we munched popcorn and had no fire thanks to the stupid do gooders with the air quality board who have declared three days running no burn days. I can see that in the middle of the city but here we are on the edge of hundreds of miles of open space where the smoke can easily dissipate and we could get busted for having a simple fire. I'm not impressed with government when it gets this intrusive.
After Ray and Lois went home I made some excellent pancakes from a box of mix that Ray gave me for my birthday last summer. So good!
This has been a very special Sabbath thanks to the precious gift of little ones and their excitement and zest for life. How rich I am in the important things.



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