Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mellow Sunday

Hello again,
I'm back and do I have a story for you? Well actually I don't. You see Ken coaxed me out of bed for a 7 am walk. The morning sky was beautiful but the air was cold. Getting back to the house seemed very nice and the furnace was on, the air was warm.
I had friend eggs with mushrooms, whole wheat English muffins and orange juice. Then after a shower in some very nice steamy water I set to work. Stripped the bed and during the day have washed the mattress cover, the sheets, the blanket and pillow case. It was really time. Tonight I'll put the mattress warmer on, I'm tired of cold sheets when I climb in. Besides it bothers Starr who is getting older.
So while the washing machine churned and the dryer chirped I worked. In the background beautiful music filled the room and before long I was fast asleep in my workchair. I would try to wake only to fall back asleep again. Finally I woke due to being cold. The house had cooled back to 62 and the little heater I had under my desk was proving to be worthless. So I brought a little heater down from upstairs that was not being used at all and exchanged them. Funny that both are working on 750 watts but this one is quiet and really puts out genuine heat. Then son Steve loaned me a heater that he has been using in his garage office which heats oil and is supposed to be great heat so now I'm set. No more cold days in the office!
This evening at 4:40 I left to travel to the club. Along the way I stopped for my little girl fix and they were both in great shape, smiling and playing and definitely feeling better. I had to stop to give Keanna her check for my buy of girl scout cookies. Keanna with her parents help and your help has sold 100 boxes of cookies. Isn't that great? She is so pleased and excited having never done anything like this before. I just love walking in to the kids house. The little ones are playing, Nikki is always busy with dinner, a project, cleaning, doing laundry or a combination of all at the same time, Steve is building cabinets, rebuilding the bathroom, doing landscaping or some other project. No one sits still, they are all busy making things happen. Its exciting.
At the club I set to work doing my routines with an eye on the clock. I've learned they close at 6 so I hurried through the sets. It all went well but this evening I've ended up with a pretty nasty lower back ache, I think from sleeping in my chair so long this morning. Oh well, pain reminds me I'm still alive.
So now we are all facing a new week, may God grant us a productive one and please remember Irene's entire family in prayer.



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