Thursday, October 2, 2008

Almost there

Dear Friends and Family,
10:28, eyes are very sleepy, this will be short and sweet.

Grief group was interesting and moved better tonight, it was mildly helpful to me but I think very helpful to others which makes it worthwhile. The treats were great, one member of the group is a baker and brings some amazing treats nearly every week, that helps.

Ken and I walked this morning and as of now I've walked 10,909 steps today on the little pedometer Sylvia is letting me borrow. I've spend most of the day preparing appraisals, emailing them out, taking phone calls. This afternoon was pretty amazing. As I mentioned last night I was a bit short in covering the house payment I made Monday evening, about $1,300 short to be more exact. Well today $450 came in the mail and the appraisal in Stockton for a beautiful duplex paid $600, I discounted it considerably due to the circumstances of the owner. That along with the $375 I deposited last evening brings a grand total of about $26 in the black now once I get these new checks deposited. I'm amazed when I stop to think about it all. Am I out of the financial woods? Well not since tomorrow or the next day Blue Cross will place a demand into the account for nearly $800 for the health insurance payment and that is not yet covered, yet I cannot help but sigh a big one of relief for today's events.
The duplex was extra beautiful, granite counters, top notch appliances and features. Way nicer than a typical duplex and the gentleman I met there was a delight. A real believer this guy has just come through some pretty severe heart surgery and is working on recovery now. He was really a joy to meet and share some good news with. I tell you, meeting the people is the greatest joy of this job. I just wish I could make a living meeting people, just can't think how that could pay the bills.
Aunt Ann, Nan's Aunt who lives in Oklahoma wrote giving me some bread advice today which I can't wait to try. She is such a dear person and so exciting, always reading, learning, loving and praying, oh that I could be more like her with some real depth and character. I also heard from Dolly, the dear lady who with Howard taught Nan and me the appraisal business so long ago. She has just traded her various RV vehicles in for a new motorhome that sounds wonderful and now she is just back from a long trip she made half way across the country. She has more adventure in her than most people and another one that knows how to pray and touch people's lives.
I heard from Roger and Carol this evening and sorry to say they still have not had any decent amounts of rain and they need it so much where they live. Also gas supplies are still very tight there in North Carolina. What challenges we face as we live our lives from day to day yet how precious is the Lord's love. I am realizing that I have periods in my life where I'm just lonely. I'm not complaining and I'm not sure that being lonely is all a bad thing. This afternoon I heard from Art and Connie who are in Maui and I was struck by how much I miss having Nan to travel with, to share sunsets with, good meals, concerts, drives.
Once again the van is coming in handy. Nikki has it this evening and its filled to the roof with items for the twins sale that she takes part in every year. Started years ago by mothers of twins getting together and trading things it has grown into a huge event where thousands of items are sold and the lines of buyers are blocks long at the opening. It is an amazing event and carefully planned and organized days before so everything goes smoothly. Nikki helps behind the scenes and is able to sell many items there every year and buy others at a special rate since she is a helper. So the van is jammed with items tonight to be delivered tomorrow to the sale site in Livermore. At the end of the month Jo and Jason are going to use it to travel with friends to LA and I know Nan would be thrilled to see it used for the family.
This afternoon as I was taking the middle seats out I scraped my arm against the rear of the front seat and suddenly I discovered quite a bit of blood flowing down my arm. Not sure why I bleed so easily now but it took quite awhile to get it stopped. Sort of gets ones attention. Keanna sure noticed because after her tumbling class today her teacher came to look at my arm, Keanna had told him about my bleeding. She has such a tender heart.
Its now officially time to head to bed and before many more days its time to change the sheets. When they begin to stand alone I know its time for a clean set.
Well tomorrow is another hard work day and I am so thankful to have work to do. Some of the new programs voted in a month ago in congress and signed by President Bush are kicking in now and I'm starting to see work due to these programs. I sure hope they help the people that need them.
Well my friends, I'm sending out good vibes to all of you. Take time to verbally let the ones you treasure know you do. Go out of your way to express your love.



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