Monday, October 13, 2008

Life moves on and on

Dear Family and Friends,
8:05 and I'm just back from dinner with Keanna, Kallie and Nikki. It was delicious and such a great break to a rather boring day. I've spent most of the day attempting to discovery what dozens of properties would likely appraise for if and when an order is placed. Of course this kind of work yields no income at all and its all done on the chance that there might be upcoming work. The results are terrible for many of the properties as values have dropped in half over the past year or so in some of these Oakland neighborhood where the really awful loans were pushed on the people. A high percentage of the loans made in this great social engineering idea dreamed up by people in Washington have failed. The poor people could not handle the payments and the resulting reality for these people is far worse than if they had never been tempted with a house purchase. Their lives are broken, their credit in shambles and no one in Washington is going to jail. When Enron failed people were tried and went to jail, not this time yet the effects of decisions made on Wall Street and in Washington are much more drastic. Few people have even fessed up and admitted making mistakes. It is very hard to take and I'm afraid we are in for much worse times ahead. It is hard for me to accept that for many of the past few years my little company has made enough income to qualify as rich, that I needed to pay more taxes. Amazing, like the huge tax bill I was paying was not enough. I've got to admit I have no interest in building the company back up to its former levels for just that reason. When one is a success it is like he has a target painted on his or her back, come tax me more. Pay health care for all employees, pay, pay pay. No thanks. And the idea of asking the current health providers to suddenly extend their same level of care to 46 million more individuals. Its not going to happen. There are reasons people who are in dire need of health care and can afford to, travel to the US for treatment. We met some in Boston, they got tired of waiting 6 months for routine care for cancer and could afford to come where they could get it. It will have to come to rationing. If you are old or have certain diseases that are not deemed economically treatable then you won't get the care you need, there is not enough care to go around so you treat the young who have a long life ahead and don't get some strange disease, no way.
I was very pleased to see the stock market find some courage today, its a sign of hope, could be a false hope but at least it moved the right direction. America for all its problems is so far ahead of the rest of the world in its quest for freedom and being there to help no matter what disaster strikes anywhere in the world. I am thankful on a daily basis to be able to have the privilege of living in this great country.
I miss Nan so much at times, she was such a great calming influence and her inner faith was so strong. She knew her Lord and trusted that He knew what He was doing for her and life in general.
Last night I was ready to go to bed at 10 and then discovered that the bread had 1 more hour to go before it was completed. It is not a good thing to leave the loaf in the machine when it is finished so I settled down with a mocha, Starr and watched a very interesting episode of CSI Miami. I turned up the sound system including the woofer and enjoyed the sound track. At 11 the little beep sounded and the bread was completed. It was the finest loaf yet, it filled the entire chamber and is so large slices won't fit in the toaster. What a winner!
Lois, next door neighbor, is back from San Jose and was kind enough to give the back deck a very complete scrubbing today. She hates spiders and webs and really attached them. She is going to give Lady a bath soon, Lady seems to be coated with grime and is itching a lot right now. Its nice that Lois knows so much about dogs and is willing to help out with them. The dogs love her, could be the treats she often throws over to them!
I'm trying to put the finishing touches on a duplex appraisal located in Oakley near Freeway 980. All of the sales I'm using as comps are bank owned, its so sad.
So life continues to move forward, like a glacier, it moves slowly forward whether we are prepared to move or not. There are so many things I long for, some I can't have, some I should not have and some I've had before and miss. Yes I've noticed the sage words of both Sylvia and Sharon always do come true, God does supply our needs, not our wants, not our excesses, just our needs.
So my friends and family members, good night to all.


ps Tomorrow I'm needed in caring for the little ones at 6:30 am and then after school. Yes Keanna went to the doctor today and has been released to go back to school but is not to play rough or move fast for now, the fear is of falling and causing more damage to the arm. She enjoyed getting back to school today to see her teacher and her friends.

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