Sunday, October 19, 2008

Check out this loaf of bread!

Dear Family and Friends,

8:15 and the house is filled with the odors of fresh bread. Once again the loaf turned out great and I think the right yeast is the key. I'm using yeast from a bottle that says its made for bread machines. This is my second loaf that has come out full size or like Keanna says, its a really big loaf of bread.

I've settled down to trying to get a lot accomplished today and as of now I've just completed the third appraisal today. For me that is some kind of record. Jean does such a great job on these but when I have so few appraisals and nothing but time then I need to go ahead and write them myself. I'm in hopes of many orders this coming week, they've been promised but I have yet to see them.

This morning I walked my 3 miles and then came home and felt sorry for the doggies so we went to the park. How they love to smell and bark in the park. Then back to load and unload the dishwasher, mop some of the floors, clear the kitchen table and finally face the dreaded files that needed writing up.

Nikki called to say they were dining at the local pizza place around 2:30 so I met them for salad and a couple pieces of good pizza. Keanna was in her normal full speed ahead mode and is learning to play games that take two quarters. She enjoys them even after her money has run out. Kallie was all smiles and enjoying being with her mommy. Nikki has such good advice and is such a level headed good person. Yes I know she is my daughter but I would say it anyway. I value her comments and counsel. Steve has been helping his brother as they attempt to make a rental in Felton decent enough to live in for he and Lacy.

I am feeling better and have only had two calls requesting money today, sort of a low day for that part of life.

I think guys do not fully appreciate why people bother with coupons, however the new coupon that came in the mail for a certain healthy dog food cure helped last night, it saved $7 off the cost and that my friend is worth using.

Tomorrow morning I assist with the girls once again which is always a kick, then back to continue to clean up my desk in anticipation of the flood or orders that is sure to come in any hour!!

On Tuesday after I care for the girls in the morning I'm off to Orangevale to do an appraisal, then race back home to be here to collect Keanna after school at 2 pm.

I'm in hopes that your week is going to be great and that you are going to achieve something special this week. I encourage you to think about what you would really like to do at work, at home, with your kids, grandkids. I feel I am having to learn how to dream all over again. I really have very little on the futures plate, I do see a day when I can pay my bills on time and begin to pay some of them off totally. Here's hoping that the economy will improve to the point where people can buy homes again and refinance if they need to. We all know it will happen but its a matter of when and how long until.

Good night my friends,

ps I wish you could come over and we'd have a slice of bread, perhaps next time.

1 comment:

Deborah W said...

Wow, that bread looks SO good. My last attempt produced two HUGE loaves of bread; I mean they were monstrous. I made them the old-fashioned way, using a recipe I used often when my boys were little, but the bread never rose THAT high before, LOL! Here's the url for some photos if you are interested: Kind of a hoot! Have a good & productive week!