Thursday, October 9, 2008

Keanna comes home

Dear Family and Friends,

Keanna was released from John Muir Hospital in Walnut Creek this evening and is sleeping in her own bed tonight. Today she had to cope with her little body's reaction to the morphine, throwing it up, having the IV removed and getting fitted with a sling to hold the repaired arm. She watched TV and colored many pictures with her one good arm even thought it was forced to stay straight due to the IV. Nikki had to scratch her nose, wipe tears from her eyes and feed her as she could not reach her mouth at all. Nikki was a real trooper and Daddy did the Kallie care. Seems that Kallie was so glad to see daddy last night at 1:30 in the morning that she woke and stayed away for nearly 2 hours much to Steve's despair. Finally at 3 this morning she fell asleep and so did Steve. Today he mowed 19 lawns for his landscaping business, managed to get Kallie to the sitters and then to pick her up late this afternoon.

It was a very happy reunion when we arrived home, Steve, Keanna and Nikki were shedding a few tears of joy to have her home once again safely. This will be some recovery, the pain is pretty severe and she does not care for pain killers orally. Tonight will be the worst night. I've included a couple pretty cloudy pictures I took with my phone this afternoon after I arrived back at the hospital. Nikki stayed with her continuously and was a great source of encouragement but it took its toll on Nikki who got very little sleep and was emotionally drained by the suffering Keanna has been through. How we all appreciate your messages of love and support.

Once again we are all reminded of how special it is to be a part of a caring family and each do our part to help the whole. What a blessing God has given when He created families. Relationships, people sharing ideas, hopes, dreams with each other. Where ever, when ever that can happen good results.

In Tracy for the years Nan and I were the pastor team of the SDA church we fostered a concept loved by many of the church members, that of going on church sponsored campouts. Where ever we went fellowship resulted, people sitting in canvas chairs or hiking down trails deeply engrossed in conversations, learning, helping newer members feel welcome and learning from the wisdom of an Dr. Glover. I remember Jason being taught how to handle a knife by Roland Coleman, the group enjoying water vegetables (freshly caught fish) compliments of Dick Lanza, singing by George Miller and so it goes. Inter generational exchanges were common and we all grew because of the time spent. Some had pup tents, some had wonderful motor coaches but once we were camped everyone shared what they had and everyone was equal in importance. Who can forget Fern and Becky leading out in Sabbath School in the cool mist at MBA or in the shade at some warm mountain beach near a lake or the potlucks that had everything one could imagine to eat, where did it all come from?

What an environment to raise children in, what a boost to church morale, to "come apart and rest awhile" as Jesus told his disciples.

Ever look back and consider your proudest moments, was it because of some thing you purchased, won, stole, borrowed? Or is it when you helped another human being reach for his or her potential. Growing people is such an incredible adventure, Jesus was the master of it, taking rough fishermen and carpenters, tax collectors and turning them into men of stature who would change the entire world.

People matter, possessions, not so much.

What an honor to have you as a friend, a family member. You are better than gold!




Anonymous said...

Hi Tim & Family,

So good to read that Keanna is Home and in Her Mothers loving arms again. The Lord has heard & answered Our many Prayers for Her to mend soon.

You take care today and have a good weekend coming up. It will be windy & cold so bundel up.

Love You & Give Our Special Little Girl a big Kiss from Uncle Bob & Auntie Carrol. Steve, may God bless & strengthen You as You hold Your precious Family together during this difficult time.

Bob & Carrol.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,
So glad Keanna is home and beginning to heal. Oh the anesthetic, the pain meds and the nausea! Both of our girls get very nauseated with pain meds. The nausea is sometimes as bad as the pain. Yuck! She will begin to feel better now that she is in her own bed with her family around her.

Is your church having a camping trip this week end or are you just reminiscing? Those times with church family truly are special.

I hope you have a blessed Sabbath no matter where you are or what you are doing.

Love ~ Carol