Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Keanna takes a tumble

Dear Family and Friends,
Nikki called this afternoon to ask if I could go right to the local school as Keanna had fallen on her broken arm and was in pain. I picked her up and she was quick to assure me that there was no pain left and that she was fine. But when Nikki checked in with the orthopedic surgeon he asked that she be brought in to his office in Walnut Creek. So Nikki left work early to come home. I met her with Kallie and Keanna at their home and Nikki quickly reloaded the little girls in her Pilot and was gone. She called this evening to say that everything seems to be in place, that she had watched as the surgeon unwrapped the arm completely exposing the healing incision and the pins which are external as well as internal. She also found out that removing them in a month will be painless and can be done without any more surgery. Then the girls did what girls in this family do, they went to the mall for a little healing shopping experience. They are not home yet at 9 pm. They dined at Fresh Choice and did a bit of shopping so they could avoid the traffic jams. So a day that could have turned out badly turned out OK after all.
I started my day by spending time with the girls this morning at 6:30 and at 8:30 took them to school and the sitter. Then I worked a bit before heading off on an attic inspection in Bay Pointe. Then back to get the call I was needed at the school. I'll do the morning run again tomorrow and then come back home to jam some work out before driving to Modesto for a late afternoon appraisal. How I wish more work would come in, some checks would arrive and I could move back from the financial brink a few paces. Every other phone call today was from someone wanting me to either donate money (no) or pay them a payment. It really gets old after weeks and weeks of the same. No one is more than 30 days late but you would think they are being stiffed totally by the intensity of the calls.
Loree came in this afternoon to work on files and to help me find a special file that will yield an immediate $450. She found it and just having her here sure gave the whole office a lift, why do women smell better than men and dogs? Right now my two favorite odors in the house, baking bread and Loree working in the lower office. She is about to care for a friends 3 year old boy for a few days, boy is she adventuresome. I told her that based on all the kind things she does she is the modern Mother Teresa. She doesn't think so.
Lois invited me to have a burrito in town tonight and I had just started dinner so I turned it all off and went for the burrito. Now I'm back unwinding and heading to bed soon.
I have to admit I'm really wrestling with trying to stay positive. It just broke my heart to know Keanna was in pain again and I was so disappointed when another mail delivery brought no money. I need orders, checks now.

So good night my friends and family, it was wonderful to get to talk at length with Ronnie and Dana this evening. They are recovering from the hurricane's effects, at one point Ron said the wind was 112 miles per hour and made a lot of noise. After 9 days power was restored to their home. He has some very sad stories about FEMA but in Texas they tend to take care of each other not waiting for someone else to bail them out. He said neighbors are helping each other repair homes and the curfew was lifted two nights ago in Galveston.
Then I got to talk to Sharon who was just back from a shopping trip and a visit to the hair dresser. She sounded upbeat and talking to the family I love was a huge lift to my spirits.

Sending love to all,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Tim,
What an absolutely gorgeous day here in NC today! Temperatures in the mid 70's, sunshine, gentle breeze and beautiful fall foliage! "Nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina in the morning." or anytime. The full moon at night is also special.

It sounds like the weather is cooling down there also and you are enjoying the crisp mornings. Now to keep those appraisals cranking and your life should be looking up. I agree with your other friends.... God has supplied your NEEDS as you have needed them. He doesn't often indulge us our wants. He lets us figure out the difference ourselves ~ Sometimes letting us struggle a bit in the process.

Roger is preparing the garden for spring. No, he hasn't done much gardening in the past, but this year he sees a need to have a garden. He hates going to the gym for exercise and this is productive exercise. You know Roger, you have to be productive in everything you do.

So glad Keanna is fine after her little tumble.

Have a great day and enjoy the beautiful CA fall weather.

Love ~ Carol