Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Keanna needs your prayers tonight

Hello everyone,
Tonight it's Jason that's chronicling the Mustard life. Sadly, I'm writing tonight under very stressful and painful circumstances for my oldest niece, Keanna. 
Earlier today, while Keanna was playing at recess in Kindergarten, she took a fall. At the time she felt some pain, but her teachers didn't think that it was that serious. After Keanna got home, the pain in her arm was still bothering her and it was getting worse, not better. 
Now remember, this is the little girl who decided to do a bodyslam off the couch when she was two and ended up with a bright pink cast to prove it. Unfortunately, it looks like she'll be wearing another cast pretty soon.
Dad and Nikki took Keanna (with Kallie in tow as well) to the hospital in Brentwood right away this evening, but they told my family to continue on to Walnut Creek for proper treatment. So, it's about 8:45pm and the current verdict is this: Keanna's arm is broken just above the elbow and she's currently got an IV going in preparation for a necessary surgery to repair the damage.
Obviously, our family is hurting for little Keanna and we're just asking that anyone who reads this sends up a prayer for this tough little 5 year-old. Dad says that Keanna has handled everything very well, but our family is facing a long night in the hospital. 
I'm sure Dad will update you as soon as possible. Until then, God bless.


Deborah W said...

So sorry to hear of Keanna's accident. She is in my prayers, as is the entire Mustard clan. I know Keanna will be fine; she's tough and resilient, and will pull through this like a champ. I hope she gets to have a pink or purple cast and doesn't have to miss too much school. All my best, Deborah in Benicia.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Keanna. We'll be wishing her the best and a speedy recovery.

When I was teaching in Juneau, a little first grade girl tipped over sliding down a snowy hill and didn't complain much, but turned out to be a broken collar bone.

Little ones are tough and Keanna will do fine.

Anonymous said...

PS Somehow that got posted without at name!

We will be gone for a couple weeks, but will check the blog when we can.

Love, Emily