Thursday, October 9, 2008

Keanna out of surgery

Dear Family and Friends,

I'm just in from Walnut Creek having brought Kallie back home to her daddy for the night. Nikki is sleeping in a little cot next to Keanna's bed. Keanna fell over a bike stand today fracturing her left arm just above the elbow. Because of where the break occurred the ortho dr felt the best outcome would result from surgery, placement of two little pins and a sling sort of arrangement for the next month. She was in surgery for about 40 minutes, Nikki's friend Stephanie brought us Taco Bell so we had some food while Keanna in surgery. Then the phone rang and Nikki was told to come back up, that Keanna was waking up.

She was a very precious and brave girl as we waiting about 6 hours in the ER. She had to endure the installation of an IV in her little arm but refused any pain meds, she said she would end up spitting them out. They kept her warm and there was a little TV with the Disney Channel, that helped a lot. Who would have guessed that Hanna Montana would have come in so helpful.

Daddy steve was working in Felton without any phone service all day so did not know what was happening until late this evening.

I'll cancel my day tomorrow and go back with Nikki's car when they are ready to come home. Nikki handled everything very well and was super supportive to Keanna.

Special thanks to Jason who blogged earlier this evening letting you all know what was happening. At that point I thought I would be staying the night at the hospital too and wanted you to know unfolding events.

I guess this will let caregivers know that just because a child can make a fist and move their hand, that does not mean nothing is broken, that was the story from the WMCA day care she was attending when this happened. However we are not upset with anyone, accidents happen and tonight Keanna is starting to heal. We thank the good Lord for His special attention to Keanna's needs today. What a great team we experienced at John Muir Hospital in Walnut Creek.

So good morning my friends, it is now 1:30 and I think I'll catch some winks before morning.

love to all,



Anonymous said...

Keanna is in our prayers, as is her family!

Work Peeps!

Anonymous said...

Hello Tim and Family,

Poor little Keanna is quite the little trooper! I'm glad she is doing well and at her age will recover well. Our daughter, Linda, had that surgery at age 14 and she healed well and quickly. And no, we didn't think it was anything to be concerned about at first either. It sounds like Keanna has experienced a broken bone before...

We had rain for 2 days! What a blessing! No, the lakes didn't come up much, but the thirsty soil was happy. We'll take any and all we can get at this point.

Tim, you are probably busier than a one armed paper hanger these days. No income without work, so I guess this is good. Maybe it will help you get closer to catching up a bit. Don't let all that work get away from you.

Our business is quite slow this month. Everyone is being cautions and staying home more. This is, however, the slowest October we have ever experienced. This is "leaf season" and people usually come from far and near to enjoy the beautiful fall foliage. We are doing more long term rentals now ~ People needing a place to live after losing their home, temporary employment, etc. We are doing ok.

Take care. We love you ~ Carol

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim & Family,

We will be adding the Little one to Our Prayers today and wishing Her and the Family a quick recovery. Children seem to heal so quickly and generaly take things in stride while their Parents stress out.

What a cool morning this is , what a change ! I guess that Fall has arrived so get out the rakes and clean out the gutters is the order of the day.

God Bless You,

Bob & Carrol.