Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A decent day

Dear Family and Friends,
Well the girls were at their very best this morning, funny, smiling and helpful. Only thing was that when we got ready to load up I realized that Keanna still have her PJ tops on, not her shirt and changing out of the PJ's and into a shirt is no easy task with the cast type thing around her arm. She and Nikki had devised a plan that works pretty well but she still has some moments of pain. Tomorrow morning Steve is in charge as his "away" job is pretty much completed in Berkeley. I hope I get to help some in the future as it is so fun and meaningful.
Nikki just called to say they were on their way home from Concord. She had Keanna's hair done and had expected to have professional photos taken of both girls but every time Kallie starting crying. That is very unusual but Nikki thinks she did not like the looks of the guy shooting the photos. Anyway excellent photos of Keanna were produced but none of Kallie.
Friend Art arrived in Discovery Bay at the same time I was delivering Keanna to school. He came over for a few minutes which was totally fun. He had a small piece of the "bread" and did not croak, that is a good thing. He was brave enough to tackle and end cut, that a pretty substantial piece of bread, I mean hard. But he braved it down.
At 9:30 several clients suddenly needed help, that was just the time I was to leave for the trip to Orangevale so the stress level went up a bit for me. Due to the holdups I got there a few minutes late. Upon arriving I found a very delightful lady who lost her husband about 9 years ago. She had some pretty profound insights on being alone and was a great encouragement. Her son lives in Bethel Island, a small waterfront community near where I live and she had agreed to call next time she is coming to see her son so we can have lunch and talk some more.
After I left her neighborhood I asked the GPS for lunch and I ended up at Fuddruckers, a burger shop. The secret is their garden burger is excellent. Then I drove home and thanked our dear Lord upon driving into the garage for yet another safe trip.
Due to several phone calls during the day I knew I had some fixing to do on several reports so I settled in and worked until about 7 when I was sort of caught up. I made whole wheat pasta with a can of soup as sauce, some peanut butter and tomato sandwiches and had some peas. Now I am stuffed and most ready to hit the hay. It was another day without any money in the mail and tomorrow an automatic payment hits for $409. Its Citibank and its the agreement I entered into for one year. They stopped charging interest, assess no fees and apply the entire payment on the balance. It really helps reduce the total amount I owe. Still it is a challenge to make sure funds are there every month to cover the charge.
I was so glad to hear from Sharon this afternoon. She was on her way home to put things just right for her first Bible Study this evening. About 20 ladies had indicated an interest in coming and Sharon was thrilled. She feels that the Lord granted her the new house and she needs to share it with others. I am so proud of her dedication and drive but I sure would have liked to be there for the desert she was serving, some esoteric walnut flake cake with coconut. It sounded wonderful!
Thank you for reading the blog. I hope you will consider coming to walk in San Jose on Sunday and or give a donation to GIST research. During the last few years government sponsorship of research has actually declined and it is more important than ever for individuals to give to research that they believe in.
Sending love to one and all,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Tim,

We are finally Home again after a long week of Family Reunion and Visiting with Friends from Susanville to Reno. Lots of good food & the joy of greeting Cousins that We had not seen for over 40 years.

We arrived Home last enening about 7:30 and finally in Our own bed again at 11:00. Never sleep very well in strange places.

Now it's Dentist appointments, Furnace Man coming for Yearly Tune up and Choir Practices, Busy 3 Days coming up.

Carrol made the trip very well with very little discomfort from all of the miles of sitting in the Car. We traveled nearly 600 miles in the last 6 days and slept in 3 different Beds. a Year ago that would have been out of the Question for Her . We are so thankful that She is doing so well. Clinic is coming up the first week in November. We will see what the Dr has to say then. If things are still going on with no Chemo We are planning to spend Thanksgiving at Palm Springs with My Sister. It has been several Years since We made that Trip.

Looks like You have a full plate to deal with this Week so We Pray that things go well for You.

Much Love to You & Yours,

Bob & Carrol.