Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The bug finally comes home

Dear Everyone,
I will say this, my life is seldom boring. The day started with wind chimes clanging about outside, crash, bang so for two hours I planned to get up and close the door but never woke up enough to actually do it.
After a quick breakfast of oatmeal I headed to the office and managed to crank out the very challenging appraisal for the poorly constructed home in Wilton. These big unusual ones take hours more but of course the pay is the same, hence the long hours it takes to get the work out.
At 12:30 I was finally able to escape to the rental car and head for Santa Rosa. Along the way I started to enjoy the new IPOD Marilyn had given to me. Lois had downloaded one book and I enjoyed it very much. However before I reached Santa Rosa the volume went down to nothing so I had to give up. The last thing I wanted to hear was Obama and his stooge Biden crowing over their plan to break America financially. Thank goodness states are coming together to launch a court challenge. As the truth begins to emerge about what the bill actually mandates it is just mind boggling, every month the IRS will check to see if you still have health insurance, if not the fines begin, 16,000 new agents who sole purpose is to spy on citizens of this country and to levy fines and make threats. Medical panels who will tell your local doctor how much he can charge and how many times you can even see your doctor in a year. Medical advisers to guide you as to your options when you grow old, you don't really need that hip replacement, just take pain killers, you are going to die soon anyway!
And tonight the news is out re: the brave guy that tried to stand up for no government money for abortions, well two days before the vote airports in his district suddenly received grants from the government even though they are seldom used by regular fliers. We have just seen the worst in American politics, bribery, extortion, threats. If this is such a good bill and it helps people so much why do you have to resort to such terrible acts to get it past? Why, let it stand on its wonderful merits. Congress and the president think they know better than Americans what is good for them. Polls showed overwhelming opposition to this bill but the politicians ignored the will of the people and crammed it through. Oh how proud these men and women must be in their hearts to have done this. Who is going to pay for the huge costs that are coming?
Before long you will begin hearing about a VAT tax. Europe has had it for many years, simply put it is yet another way for the federal government to charge a tax on everything you buy or sell, everything. So on top of your taxes you already pay the VAT will be yet another tax burden on all Americans. It will come and it will hit everyone.
Or they could just stop spending, do what the rest of us do, only spend what you and then wait until you have money again to spend more.
The current gang in Washington is spending at a rate that has never been seen before, even before and during the war and what do we have to show for it? Nothing but more debt.

This afternoon as I drove along to Santa Rosa I got a call from Justin, the manager of the car repair place that has had the bug. He told me that after letting the car idle for an hour there was no oil dripping. So I drove the rental car to Concord, turned it in and was then driven to the repair facility where I picked up my poor little car. He pointed out that my car had a composite device which served as the rear main seal and the supporter system for it. His mechanic not knowing it was composite had turned the bolt too hard and destroyed the system. So as I understand it these guys have had my transmission out, replaced the seal with a new one held in place by aluminum and it was finally fixed.
I enjoyed driving it home tonight and I'm thankful that the car repair people did such a great job on it. It has been a costly process but all the work they did after the original job has been on warranty.

Now I'm home, Lois has the IPOD to try to figure out how it works so she can teach me and I'm heading to bed soon.

Sending love to all and so thankful that God is not surprised by Washington at all and is in control.



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