Monday, March 15, 2010

Dealing with life and getting sick

Dear Family and Friends,
Stay away from me, I'm running a fever, coughing constantly, lips are all chapped, feel generally lousy.
This morning I completed an appraisal, then loaded up the tires and went to CostCo, $316 later I was out the door. They would be ready by night!
I drove back and wrote another report which was due today and then slipped in just under the wire for Weight Watchers. What a positive organization. Now if I would just do what they gently suggest I'd be dumping the lbs. As it is I've lost nearly 5 lbs since I joined and I'm delighted. Right after the meeting was over I headed back to CostCo and picked up the tires, they are so pretty, all new and smiling.
On the way home I made a deposit at the bank, the mailperson was good to me today.

This morning the manager of the place that did the pan and other repairs to the car was on the phone. Of course he has to see it and play with it for awhile which means I'll be stuck in Walnut Creek again. But I am having a growing feeling that when I idled it into the station with the oil plug missing I ruined the rear main seal. Something tells me that will be very expensive to repair. I hope I'm wrong but that is my best guess right now. Why I didn't climb under the car when I saw the light come on and discover the plug missing I don't know. Had I known I would have called the tow truck, I have the premium service. Hind sight is so special.

In the morning I had to be in Vacaville at 9 to reinspect a property and I also need to see one in Modesto so I guess it is time to drive the van tomorrow.

I woke up feeling poorly this morning and as the day progressed it got worse and worse. The walk this morning in the cold was constant coughing, no fun.

This evening on my way home I slipped into the club but confined myself to just one rep of 12 since my face is beet red and I'm feeling pretty lousy.

Tonight I'm trying the Thermaphore that Sylvia picked up for me at the conference office. It can't hurt.
I send my love to all,


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