Friday, March 12, 2010

Not such a good ending

I'm finally home thanks to Ken, my neighbor and walking buddy. I nearly had to walk home, that is from Walnut Creek, about 30 miles away.
This morning I drove down to do an appraisal for Irene Wing's home for the estate, Ron, her husband had asked if I could do it and I was very pleased to help him. After the inspection we went to lunch and had a really meaningful time sharing war stories about living alone and adjusting.
Mid afternoon I left San Jose and headed to Walnut Creek, I drove through intense rain showers at freeway speeds and arrived a few minutes early for the inspection. It was tense as not all the people in the house wanted me to be there. Afterwards I selected 8 comparables and began to drive to them for my photographs. When I shot the last photo I discovered that the oil light was flickering on the dash. Oil is one thing you do not mess with as the engine can be destroyed in seconds without oil. I checked the oil and there was none showing on the dip stick. When I had it changed a week ago my contact at Speede Lube had told me the plug was not so good anymore but appeared to be holding for now.
I limped over to a service station and purchased a quart of Mobil One. After pouring the quart in nothing showed on the dip stick. I happened to look under the car and found the oil, it had poured right through onto the asphalt, there was no plug there at all. The station was closing its service section but the owner stayed, checked around and located an oil pan which he will put on tomorrow and then we will hope that the engine was not destroyed and worth the $600 price tag for the pan.
So there I was sitting in my car at 6 pm, about 45 minutes from home. The car rental company had closed at 6, Steve had both girls preparing them for bed, Nikki was at the twins sale until 9:15 or so, Ray was with his mother in San Jose. I checked in with Ken and he was willing to stop his work and drive over to pick me up. So I ran over to Applebees and had a sandwich. Now I'm home and Ken was a life saver.
Now there is the business of getting back to the car tomorrow but I'll be concerned about that tomorrow. Right now I'm just glad to be home and I just hope the Lord will watch over my little bug as it sits out in the parking lot all alone.
Now as I look back these are my thoughts. The plug could have fallen out at any point today, when I was in heavy traffic in San Jose or in the rain as I came through Pleasanton on the freeway. It waited until I had shot my last photo, that was a blessing and to end up at a place that can fix the car and even put a new head light in, well that is a blessing. Do I have the extra money this is going to cost, well not really.
Love to all,


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