Friday, March 19, 2010

Car repair part 3 / Sabbath arrives

Dear loved ones,
After a restless night and two more thermofar (sp) treatments I hit the deck running. I wrote up an appraisal, emailed it to the east coast and then began a second one. A couple orders came in and finally at about 11:30 I called the repair place in Antioch where my car was being worked on. I was told that a car carrier had just picked up the car and it was being delivered back to the original repair shop in Walnut Creek. What the person told me was, we decided that the mechanic that caused the damage should repair it. Well that got my attention and he told me that the manager from Walnut Creek would be calling me. Justin called a couple hours later to tell me they were working on it, that some part had been damaged and a new part was being delivered and it had something to do with the rear seal, well that got my attention. He called me as I was measuring a house in the country to tell me that the car was now repaired and when I mentioned about any leaks he said that there were no leaks from the areas they had fixed, any other leaks were my business. Well since it did not leak at all before I think I'm good.
I drove the little rental car to Wilton this afternoon only to discover I had left the entire file on the desk so I had to drive all the way back and get it.
The house in Wilton was a huge disappointment. It is without a doubt one of the worst built homes I have ever seen. Nothing was done right when it was constructed. The phone company will not even use the phone wiring it is so substandard, the electrical borders on the edge of dangerous, all the dual pane windows leak water, water bubbles up through the tile when it rains, the bathroom have the cheapest fiberglass glued to the walls around the tubs and every vanity is loose, poor quality and a bad joke. The list just goes on about the many problems with this house. I think it could take $80,000 for a contractor to do what needs to be done to make the house safe and tight. Not only that but the road getting to the property is a private road so there is no county maintenance. It had chuck holes as big as the tires on the little car.
The tenants could not have been nicer. A nice Christian family with 4 children they love to live in the house in spite of its flaws. They have chickens, horses, dogs, a pond and 20 acres to ride and play. The fact that the cable TV system will not work means nothing to this family. They are too busy to worry about no TV.
Now I'm home and very ready for bed. Its been a trying week and the coughing is still pretty bad at times, head swims after the coughing, headache gets unbearable and thinking clearly is pretty tough. Looking forward to feeling better soon.


ps I'm going to give it a try for the girls in the morning. I have a little mask I can wear in the car so I don't infect them with nasty evil germs.

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