Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A long day of continuing education

Good evening
Steve and I left for the meeting this morning at 6:45 and I thought it was to be held in Dublin. The bug would not start so I quickly switched to the van which has no gps. Steve knew thought that the meeting was at the Double Tree in Livermore which is about a half hour away so we arrived very early for our meeting and were rested when it began.
USPAP is the most boring class available to appraisers, all of us agree, but it is also the most important to us and is required every two years. It constantly changes and it is the bible we base our appraisal creation upon. Our teacher who lives in upper New York turned out to be a very good communicator and he knew his material. He could talk for long lengths of time about very specific legal parts of the material without ever looking at his notes. He took constant questions and never failed to have the answer. In short it was a very good 7 hours in spite of it not being side slipping funny or amusing in any way. Steve and I both learned things. The room was full with more than 50 appraisers who had each paid $209 to be there so for the company offering the classes it was worth it.
Once I got home Nikki appeared with the girls and for the next hour she sorted toys for the upcoming twins sale. This event happens twice a year in Pleasanton at the county fair grounds and it is huge. The girls have learned that old toys get sold and new ones appear, they no longer throw any fuss about it. Nikki waked through the toy corner and found the items that might sell. I got to enjoy the girls and tried to keep Kallie safe and sound in my dangerous house. We had a blast. I love it when you've given her a glass of juice and she wants more, you look down and here she is with closed fists hitting them together or on the side of her glass, Papa, more please.
Tomorrow morning will find me in Stockton to do a quick appraisal and then back to pick up Keanna at school at 11:40, an early release for the inmates. We'll hit McDonalds and then the park, I'll work some and she will do her homework and watch a Clifford the Big Red Dog from the DVR. Then tomorrow night its the symphony, that will be great, can't wait.
I just want to mention that it would be good to remember to pray for each other in these challenging times.
People caring about people is one of the most wonderful gifts of life.



1 comment:

Deborah W said...

Have a wonderful weekend!
