Sunday, March 7, 2010

The yardwork can wait

Oh I had the best of intentions, get out the weed eater, the lawn mower but sadly they remain quiet tonight, forgotten by the demands of work.
We walked this morning in the sunshine and it was great. Then after breakfast I napped in my chair for a bit, must have been the walk. Finally I decided to face the day, drove to Vacaville and this time I found the address for the subject, shot my photos, drove to Mountain House and did a full appraisal and then drifted back home.
This evening I made some quick dinner and then started on an appraisal that was due on Friday. Its now completed and sent to the lender. Feels good to have it gone. I used 8 comps to tell the story and it seems like the value was pretty well supported.

Now for all of us a new week of work is at hand. What does our loving Heavenly Father have in mind for us, how does He want to use us to help people, support the sad and lonely, lift the broken.

So to all I say, lets do it, as well as we can, as fast as is reasonable, as economically as possible and always finding ways to do it better.



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