Saturday, March 6, 2010

Kallie and Keanna to Sabbath School

This morning was spent in driving the girls to Sabbath School at the Tracy SDA Church. Nikki and Steve had them all ready to go, dressed so cute. We arrived on time and Keanna went to her program and I didn't hear from her again until it was over. I took Kallie to Sabbath School where Kim was in charge today. Diane was at the piano. They both do such a great job with the program. Kallie loved it from the minute we arrived. She took part in everything, loved all the motions, songs, stuffed animals, treats and I loved just watching her. It was pure heaven.
Nikki had given permission for them to each have a happy meal so that is what we did. Kallie managed her meal very well and just loves to dip her chicken pieces in sauce . When we got home her apple juice was gone, the chicken was gone and so were her french fries. Keanna watched a movie on the little DVD and had her food gone also. So at about 11:40 I turned them back over to their parents, drove home, made a lovely lunch of some leftovers and then snoozed in the recliner for hours. Around 4 I got up and drove to Lammerdings to deliver 4 boxes of Girl Scout cookies they had purchased from Keanna. Then I drove to the airport to pick up a friend and now I'm back home. What a beautiful relaxing day and the kidos are such a blessing to my sometimes cold heart.
At this point I'll tell you, I'm sleepy and headed for bed.



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